Friday, August 27, 2010

The Four of Us

(Part 1) [This week's "As the Pegasus Flies"] Look at that picture, will you? We were all so young then (well, Milly was getting a little long in the tooth). I'm an old battleax now; it's hard to believe so much time has passed. Where does the time go? You look for some things to stay constant—when you're old—things that have remained the same over the years, so you feel like part of your youth still exists. You can go back and not only revisit a place, but revisit your younger self, too. I'd go back to RD for various functions over the years—or just to visit—and memories would come flooding back. The building, the grounds, the trees, the garden all basically looked the same. I'd be a young woman again, transported back to my youth, just like in this here picture. That's the image I have of myself, how I still feel. By the way, that's me there second from the right with that curlicue collar design (what was I thinking?), waiting eagerly for some of that happy juice. The company wants Candidness nowadays? Well, there's nothing like a little happy juice to get those tongues wagging. We knew how to be candid back then, believe me. I miss all the girls in this photo. Not that they're dead or anything. The Four of Us (I'm not counting the "bartender" there, she wasn't part of our clique). From the left that's Rhonda, Hilda, myself (Brenda), and Milly. You've already met our spouses: Joey the Pinhead, William, Horace, and Tommy Four Eyes. I remember this picture like it was yesterday. That's 'cause a moment later all hell broke loose.

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