Friday, October 21, 2011

Reader's Digest wants your life story!

Reader's Digest is running a cool contest, and you can win money!

Share a lesson, simple advice, funny moment or other story from your life in 150 words or fewer. Your story could be chosen by our editors to be published in Reader’s Digest and win $25,000!

Here is the link: Reader's Digest Version

And here is my story, exactly 150 words:

I was born the same place I was conceived--in the back of a taxi cab. The driver, of middle eastern origin, who had previous experience birthing goats and sheep, wrapped my wet, newborn body in a large print edition of Reader's Digest Magazine. I was literally born into the Digest. The pages clung to me, the ink staining my skin like tattoos. If you look closely enough, you can still see the Reader's Digest logo, faint but there, the noble pegasus always flying, perpetually, majestically. The ink entered my bloodstream; blood is thicker than water, ink is thicker than blood. My monthly cycle was in tune with the magazine’s pub date. I was hired after college, entering the hallowed halls of the original building. Separated at birth. Reunited. I left when the company left. I survived as the company survives. I live and breathe still. I am Reader’s Digest.