That's right, actual ink on paper! Old school! The complete (so far) Sue Nami soap opera will be released in book form. As the Pegasus Flies, A Reader's Digest's Soap Opera, Volume 1 will include a foreword by Sue Nami, extra photos, expanded text, and paragraph breaks! Yes, paragraph breaks! Also, a brand new, never-before-seen full-length story! 14 stories in all. Priced to sell! Stay tuned to this blog for more information.
UPDATE 6/29: The book is nearing completion. It will include the latest story (Boom-Boom Bernadette), plus one new one. Check back for release date and when you can order!
UPDATE 7/3: The new, never-before-seen story is titled "The Butler."
UPDATE 7/8: The book is now complete, and I will upload it to the POD publisher ASAP. The new story "The Butler" clocked in at 2,400 words, while the book is 113 pages. Stay tuned for an Amazon link...
UPDATE 7/9: As the Pegasus Flies, the book, is one step closer to reality! The proof copy is en route to me right now. Once it is approved the book will go on sale! Only $7.50! It contains the controversial new story "The Butler," which is a continuation/conclusion of the earlier cryogenic-themed "Just Rebecca." Check for more updates and ordering info. Thanks!
UPDATE 7/12: I am now holding the actual book in my hands! Looks good. As soon as I click "Approve" it will go on sale. My dilemma? There is a typo on the foreword. "Test" should be "text." It'll bug me forever if I don't correct this. On the other hand...
I will sleep on this and decide in the morning.
UPDATE 7/14: I approved the book (with typo) yesterday, so it should go on sale any minute. The typo is "test" instead of "text," which slipped through spell checker. I will fix this in the future, but did not want to delay the book. And what book isn't complete without a typo? Book should go live any day now. Check back soon!
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